Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Post, A Real Solid Post

Well, I guess, I really have surprisingly little to say.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and while as I spent it romantically alone (as per usual) I was still surrounded by love from my family far away, in the form of flowers and groceries.

Washington DC is turning out to be a great city, and yesterday, I ventured over to Eastern Market, a place right near where I live. A little flea market/farmer's market, its in the more fun part of Capitol Hill.

See, DC is a neighborhood town, much like my beloved Chicago. You have to know which street to hit, which block to walk, because if you get lost, well, there is not much to see besides Government buildings, newly constructed condos, and falling apart homes.

A few days ago, I walked from the Phillips Collection to my house, a three mile walk. I took a single road, and walking through much of the down town area, I also found that if you looked one direction, you could see new luxury apartments for sale, and if you turned your head the other way, and looked a few blocks down, you could see falling apart gas stations, and rickety looking buildings.

DC is diverse, in its international flavor, filled with Embassies, Ambassadors and Consulates, but also with its Immigrants. See, DC has cupcake places, a startbucks on every corner (along with a sprinkling of Firehook Bakerys, tagline: Washington Born, Washington Bread), a million burger joints (this place is definitely a burger town, the pizza is not so much a speciality) and a hundred different ethnic restaurants.

Just like every city DC is famous for something, here its the GOVERNMENT! Have you seen the Whitehouse? OR the Captiol Buidling? Walked the Mall!?!? Ooohhh! White buildings in Neo Classical styling.

But once you move beyond that, see DC for more than just the CAPITAL, and for a city in and of itself, you slowly begin to see what it can offer in terms of restauarants, art, shopping, entertainment, etc.

On A lighter note:

As an employee of a certain little museum, I have learned a few interesting tidbits of information, I felt would be a bit interesting to share. Some more art historical, some significantly less

Martha Stewart recently celebrated the Inaguration here in DC by attending a soiree held at our precious little place. Supposedly, she had a man come specially early to walk through the entire building for her, and make sure that all the doors were opened ahead of her...apparently, she would be appaled to open a door for herself. Upon arriving at the gala, she through hissy fit after hissy fit complaing about the food, the lighting, and pretty much anything she could.

Although I could not bear to handle that, I still love Martha!!

Crazy, right??

Anyways, I believe that is about all...
Love everyone
Miss everyone.


Ms. Kloecker said...

That's hilarious about Martha Stewart! heh. Yeah I really need to explore D.C., I've only been once on my 8th grade field trip for 4 days (where I met mike...awww), and we just hit the big touristy stuff, then I drove through it once with my fam.

Oh, so I dont think I'm actually missing the Carnaval festivities too much, because we'll still be on the beach, and they really celebrate EVERYWHERE in Ecuador. We were going to try to go to the 2 big cities for carnaval, where they have parades and insane fights with water n such, but it's very very hard to get a hostel there, as well as at the beach that some of my friends are going to... and they're expensive because the demand is so high.

Hasta Luego chica!

Anonymous said...

i still love martha too! dont ruin my image!
thats funny that overpriced condos next to ghettos, and nowhere to stroll remind u of chicago
ahh home sweet home
miss u

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